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Version: 1.0


ChainIDE is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) tailored for the seamless development of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. By offering a platform that bypasses the need for intricate setups or installations, ChainIDE propels developers directly into dApp development with its comprehensive, browser-accessible toolset. This platform is designed to support a broad spectrum of blockchain environments, making it a versatile choice for developers.

Advantages of ChainIDE

Cloud-Based Efficiency: Operate from anywhere without the hassle of local setups, directly in your web browser.

Support for Multiple Blockchains: Enables development on various blockchains, facilitating versatile project creation.

Comprehensive Development Tools: From code editing to debugging, all necessary tools are integrated into the platform for a streamlined workflow.

Collaboration-Friendly: Its cloud nature simplifies team collaboration, allowing for real-time project co-development.


ChainIDE: To access ChainIDE using your web browser. No installation is required, making it easily accessible from anywhere.

MetaMask Wallet: A MetaMask wallet installed on your browser and an understanding of how to use it.

Testnet WIRE Token: Ensure you have enough testnet WIRE in your wallet.


You can fund your wallet with testnet WIRE tokens for free on Wireshape Faucet.

Deploying on Wireshape Floripa Testnet with ChainIDE and MetaMask

The Wireshape Floripa Testnet offers a perfect testing ground for smart contracts, allowing developers to simulate real-world operations without the stakes of a live network. This tutorial will guide you through the process of development and deployment of smart contracts on the Floripa Testnet using ChainIDE and MetaMask as the Injected Web3 Provider.

Step 1: Setting Up Floripa Testnet on MetaMask

Before deploying your contract, you need to configure MetaMask to connect to the Floripa Testnet. Follow these steps:

Open MetaMask: Click on the MetaMask extension icon in your browser.

Network Selection: At the top left of the MetaMask window, you'll see the network selection dropdown. Click on it, then select "Add Network" at the bottom.

Add Network: A MetaMask Add a Network page will open in your browser. Then click "Add a network manually" at the bottom.

Network Details: In the fields, enter the Floripa Testnet details as follows:

Network Name: Floripa Testnet
Chain ID: 49049
Currency Symbol: WIRE
Block Explorer URL:

Save: Click "Save" to add the Floripa Testnet to your MetaMask.

Step 2: Starting with ChainIDE

Go to ChainIDE dashboard. Sign in with GitHub to access the platform's full suite of development tools instantly or continue as a guest.

Step 3: Initiating a New Project

Create a new project and select Ethereum as your deployment target. This ensures your project is aligned with the Wireshape's specifications from the start. So you can Import Project, strart with a Blank Template or choose one of the Public Templates files such as "Hello World" contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.6.12 <0.9.0;

contract HelloWorld {
* @dev Prints Hello World string
function print() public pure returns (string memory) {
return "Hello World!";

Step 4: Writing Your Smart Contract

ChainIDE's robust code editor is your workspace for developing the smart contract. It supports Solidity, offering features like syntax highlighting and error detection to aid in writing efficient code. Within the Explorer panel, you can directly interact with the files included in the template by clicking on them. You have also the capability to create new files or directories, update the folder contents, and download the files.

Step 4: Compiling Your Smart Contract

Use the platform's compiler to prepare your smart contract for deployment. Select your desired compiler version and determine if optimization should be activated. Following this, initiate the compilation process by clicking on "Compile ***.sol" button. ChainIDE will flag any issues, allowing you to refine your code until it's deployment-ready. Upon successful compilation, the ABI and BYTE CODE will appear below, accompanied by a message in the console that reads "Compile contract success."

Step 5: Deploying Your Smart Contract

With your smart contract compiled, go to "Deploy & Interaction" tab. Prior to deploying a contract, you will need to connect to the Wireshape Testnet, so click on "Connect Wallet" located in the upper right corner and choose "Injected Web3 Provider", then select Metamask. Ensure you are connected to Floripa Testnet and have enough testnet WIRE tokens in your wallet to cover gas fees. Choose the compiled contract and press "Deploy" to start the deployment process (followed by confirmation in Metamask). Once the contract is successfully deployed, the console will show the outcome of the deployment along with pertinent details.

Step 6: Interacting with Your Smart Contract

Post-deployment, ChainIDE offers tools to interact with your smart contract. Test its functions, simulate user interaction, and verify its performance directly through the platform.


Always test thoroughly before deploying to the mainnet to avoid potential issues and ensure the security of your contracts.

By following these steps, you can ensure your contracts are ready for production with confidence.