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VS Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is Integrated Development Environment (IDE) engineered by Microsoft. Renowned for its versatility, efficiency, and powerful coding capabilities, VS Code supports a wide array of programming languages such as Rust, Vyper, JavaScript, and Solidity, making it an ideal choice for blockchain developers. By integrating relevant extensions, developers can tailor the IDE to their specific project needs, enhancing productivity and streamlining the development process.

Key Features of VS Code for Blockchain Development

Extensibility: VS Code's marketplace offers numerous extensions for blockchain development, including Solidity syntax highlighting, smart contract compilation, and debugging tools.

Integrated Terminal: Execute command-line tools directly within the IDE, facilitating smart contract compilation and deployment.

Version Control: Built-in Git support allows for efficient code management and collaboration.

Customizable Workspace: Developers can customize the layout and settings to suit their workflow, optimizing the development experience.

Deploying Smart Contracts on Wireshape Floripa Testnet with VS Code and MetaMask

Deploying smart contracts to the Wireshape Floripa Testnet involves several steps, from writing and compiling the contract to interacting with the blockchain via MetaMask. VS Code, equipped with the right extensions, provides a comprehensive environment for this process.

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

Install VS Code: Download and install Visual Studio Code from the official website.

Install Extensions: Search for and install blockchain development extensions, such as those for Solidity or other blockchain languages and tools relevant to your project.

Configure MetaMask: Ensure MetaMask is set up in your browser and connected to the Wireshape Floripa Testnet. This involves adding the Wireshape Floripa Testnet details to MetaMask and obtaining testnet WIRE tokens for deployment. You can see in the Metamask section how to configure Floripa Testnet in your wallet.


You can fund your wallet with testnet WIRE tokens for free on Wireshape Faucet.

Step 2: Writing the Smart Contract

Utilize VS Code to write your smart contract. The Solidity extension, for example, provides syntax highlighting, code snippets, and linting, aiding in the development of error-free and optimized contracts.

Step 3: Compiling the Smart Contract

With your contract written, use the integrated terminal in VS Code to compile the contract. This can be done using tools like Truffle or Hardhat, depending on your project setup. The compilation process will generate the ABI and bytecode necessary for deployment.

Step 4: Deploying the Contract

Interact with MetaMask: Using a deployment script or a plugin within VS Code, initiate the contract deployment to the Wireshape Floripa Testnet. This action will prompt MetaMask to open, asking for confirmation and the gas fee payment.

Confirm Deployment: Review the transaction details in MetaMask and confirm the deployment. Ensure you have sufficient testnet tokens for the gas fee.

Step 5: Verifying the Deployment

After successful deployment, the contract's address and deployment details will be available in VS Code's terminal output or within the blockchain development extension you are using. You can verify the contract's presence on the Wireshape Floripa Testnet using the Block Explorer.