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The Networks in the Wireshape Ecosystem

The Wireshape blockchain ecosystem is designed to support a robust and scalable infrastructure for decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts, leveraging the Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism and compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Central to this ecosystem are two distinct types of networks: the mainnet and the testnet.


Currently, the Wireshape ecosystem includes the Wireshape Floripa Testnet, which is publicly available for testing, while the Wireshape mainnet is under development and yet to be launched.

Wireshape Networks Overview


The Wireshape mainnet represents the primary network where actual transactions and operations occur. It is the definitive blockchain where the tokens have real value, and the activities are reflected in the real-world state of the Wireshape ecosystem. The mainnet is public, ensuring that anyone with an internet connection can participate in the network. The consensus among peers within this network is crucial for the inclusion of transactions and the determination of the network's state. However, it's important to note that the Wireshape mainnet is still in development and has not been officially launched.

Wireshape Floripa Testnet

The Wireshape Floripa Testnet serves as a public and accessible environment for developers to test their smart contracts and dApps in conditions that closely mimic the mainnet without risking real value. This network uses the same PoA consensus mechanism and is EVM-compatible, ensuring that developers can accurately assess the performance and behavior of their applications. The testnet WIRE tokens, used within this environment, are specifically designed for testing purposes and hold no real-world value. This distinction is crucial for developers to experiment and debug their creations freely.

Mainnet vs. Testnet

The primary difference between the mainnet and the testnet lies in their purpose and the value of the transactions conducted within each network. The mainnet is the live blockchain where transactions have real impact, serving as the backbone of the Wireshape ecosystem's economic activities. Conversely, the testnet is a sandbox environment, allowing developers to test and refine their applications and smart contracts without financial risk.


For security reasons, it is advisable not to reuse accounts between the mainnet and testnets. This practice ensures the separation of testing activities from real transactions and helps in safeguarding the security of assets and information.

Accessing Public Networks

Both the Wireshape mainnet and Floripa testnet are public networks, meaning they are open to anyone worldwide with an internet connection. This accessibility is fundamental to the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, allowing for transparent and inclusive participation in the network's activities. Public networks rely on the consensus among peers to validate transactions and agree on the network's state, ensuring a decentralized and secure environment for all participants.

Testing on the Wireshape Floripa Testnet

For developers looking to test their applications on the Wireshape Floripa testnet, obtaining testnet WIRE tokens is straightforward and essential for simulating transactions and smart contract interactions. These tokens can typically be acquired through the faucet specifically designed for the testnet, providing developers with a supply of tokens for testing purposes.


Go to Wireshape Faucet and fund your wallet with WIRE testnet tokens to experiment with the Wireshape Floripa Testnet network for free.