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Version: 1.0


Wireshape leverages a unique Proof-of-Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism built on unwavering trust and collaboration. At the heart of this system lie the trusted validators, carefully chosen companies from all continents, playing a pivotal role in safeguarding the network's integrity and driving its impactful expansion.

Guardians of Data Integrity and Transparency

Unlike computationally intensive consensus mechanisms, Wireshape relies on the expertise and reputation of pre-approved validators. These trusted companies meticulously scrutinize every interaction on the network, ensuring accurate product data, flawless traceability, and reliable oracle feeds. This rigorous validation process guarantees transparency, prevents data manipulation, and maintains the network's unwavering trust.

Wireshape utilizes a sophisticated Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance (IBFT)-based protocol. This collaborative approach empowers validators to reach agreement on the network's state, including product data provenance, supply chain movements, and oracle-supplied information. This consensus-driven decision-making ensures consistent and accurate data, safeguarding against malicious actors and upholding the network's integrity.

Global Governance

Beyond validation and consensus, Wireshape validators actively participate in shaping the network's future through global governance. Drawn from diverse industries and continents, they bring a wealth of perspectives and expertise to crucial decisions like protocol upgrades, fee structures, and even the selection of future validators. This active participation fosters transparency, community involvement, and long-term sustainability, ensuring the platform evolves to meet the ever-changing needs of the data-driven world.

Benefits Beyond Measure:

Serving as a Wireshape validator comes with substantial benefits:

  • Enhanced Reputation: Membership in this exclusive group bolsters a company's reputation, showcasing their expertise, commitment, and leadership in building a more transparent and efficient data ecosystem.

  • Financial Rewards: Validators receive transaction fees and a portion of a dedicated 100 million WIRE token allocation, ensuring their economic participation is well-compensated.

  • Early Access and Influence: Validators enjoy early access to new features and updates, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve and influence the network's direction.

  • Shaping the Future: Through active participation in governance, validators directly contribute to defining the future of decentralized data management and supply chain transparency.

With the Wireshape mainnet launch approaching, the opportunity to join this elite group of global validators is within reach. By becoming a Wireshape validator, your company can take an active role in building a more secure, transparent, and globally connected data and supply chain landscape.

Become a Validator

If your company possesses the expertise, reputation, and commitment to align with Wireshape's values, consider applying to become a validator. Join the ranks of trusted guardians, shape the future of decentralized data and supply chain, and reap the rewards of this groundbreaking network.

Apply to Become a Wireshape Validator

Together, let's unlock the power of transparency and build a more trusted, data-driven future for all.