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Version: 1.0


Wireshape architecture employs nodes as essential computational units that participate in the network to validate transactions, create new blocks, and sustain the blockchain's ledger integrity. The PoA consensus mechanism is a streamlined, permissioned approach that relies on trusted validators, known as authorities, to secure the network. This mechanism is particularly suited for scenarios where transactions need to be processed quickly and efficiently, and where there's a level of trust in the entities acting as validators.

Functional Overview

Authority Nodes: Selection of authority nodes hinges on their established reputation and trustworthiness, assigning them the critical roles of generating blocks and validating transactions. This approach negates the need for the energy-intensive mining characteristic of Proof of Work (PoW) systems, as the identity and reputation of the authority nodes serve as their stake. Consequently, any malicious acts not only jeopardize their standing but may also result in their expulsion from the network.

Transaction Validation: Upon a transaction's initiation, it is propagated throughout the network. Authority nodes then validate these transactions in compliance with consensus rules, incorporating them into new blocks. This validation process is significantly more rapid and efficient than the PoW model, which requires solving computationally intensive puzzles.

Block Generation: After transaction validation, authority nodes compile these transactions into a new block, which is then integrated into the blockchain, updating its state. The PoA model enables quicker block production due to its efficient validation process.

Security and Finality: The PoA framework ensures network security by selecting validators of high repute. These validators, having their reputations at stake, are naturally incentivized to act in the best interest of the network. The model achieves finality more swiftly as it reduces the need for multiple confirmations, unlike PoW systems where the risk of chain reorganizations necessitates additional confirmations for finality.

Node Architecture

Wireshape's node architecture is designed with modularity and flexibility in mind, allowing for configurations that meet the diverse needs of blockchain projects. Key components of a Wireshape node in a PoA configuration include:

Consensus Module: Implements the PoA consensus protocol, managing authority node selection, transaction validation, and block generation.

Network Layer: Manages communications between nodes, facilitating the propagation of transactions and blocks across the Wireshape network.

Storage Engine: Responsible for maintaining the blockchain's state, including data on accounts, balances, smart contracts, and more.

Execution Environment: Executes smart contracts, compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), thus enabling Ethereum-based contracts to run seamlessly.

API Interfaces: Provides interfaces for blockchain interactions, such as transaction submission, blockchain state queries, and smart contract deployment, enabling developers to build atop the Wireshape network.

The architecture of Wireshape's blockchain nodes is crafted to support a network that is both high-performing and secure, scalable to accommodate a wide range of applications from decentralized platforms to enterprise solutions.