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Version: 1.0


An Applicant makes an application with complete product information and image, which are recorded on the blockchain and stored decentrally in IPFS.

As a Curator Contributor on the TCPR protocol, you're not just a bystander in the information revolution – you're a driver. You're the one who proposes adding new products and suggests edits to existing information to ensure accuracy and quality.


Learn how to apply a product data for registry with the Add Product tutorial.

TCPR Users and Roles

In the Token Curated Product Registry (TCPR), there are four types of users: consumers, applicants, voters and brands, and each one has its roles, interests and incentives around the registry.

Consumers: desire high-quality product information for free.

Applicants: desire their data contribution to be included in the registry, get rewards and increase the scarcity of the tokens they hold.

Voters, or Curators: desire to get rewards and increase the scarcity of the tokens they hold.

Brands: desire their products to have high-quality information and be trusted by their customers.


Learn how to Become a Curator.

Incentives, Transactions & Rewards

All incentives, transactions and rewards are performed in WWIRE (Wrapped Wire). Free Swap WIRE <> WWIRE available. 50M of WIRE tokens are reserved for incentives for the first 1M of registered products (validated applications and updates). Applicants, voters and brands are rewarded when a WWIRE prize pool is formed in their interactions.


Check out how Incentives, Transactions & Rewards work by accessing the section Rewards.

Join the TCPR. Earn WIRE. Build Trust.

Being a Curator Contributor isn't just a role, it's a responsibility – a responsibility to create a world where products are what they say they are. It's about taking back control of information and empowering yourself and others to navigate the world with confidence.

Ready to join the movement? Apply now and start your journey. Remember, every vote, every contribution, every piece of data you add is a brick in the foundation of a brighter, more transparent future for everyone.

Apply Now