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Version: 1.0

Products API

Wireshape's Products API resource is designed for easy integration in ERPs, ecommerces, marketplaces and other business management systems.

Seamlessly integrate structured and verified product details into your resellers platforms and marketplaces, ensuring consistency and streamlining operations for everyone involved and empowering then to:

Boost Product Listings: Elevate descriptions with accurate, detailed information, including. Capture shopper attention and build trust before the click.

Reduce Returns and Frustration: Mismatches between expectations and reality lead to dissatisfaction and returns. Precise data eliminates confusion, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Optimize Search and Conversion: Accurate data fuels powerful search filters and recommendations, guiding shoppers to the perfect products and boosting conversion rates.

Drive Brand Advocacy: Empower customers to become vocal supporters by sharing the value behind your products. Transparency leads to positive word-of-mouth and organic marketing magic.

Request a Demo

How to Try the API

The Wireshape Product Registry API enables the consumption of complete data of products registered on the Wireshape blockchain without the need for customizations and knowledge in Web3 programming. Making easy the integration with the systems currently used in the market.

First, you will need authorized access to the Product Registry API. If you don't have it yet, Request a demo.

With authorized access, let's start creating the API key.

On the Wireshape platform, click on Connect button to connect your wallet. And sign.

Click on the wallet address button and access your Profile page.

Now click on the API Key tab.

The signature will be requested in your wallet, so just click on Sign button.

And wait for your API Key to be created.

Done, your API Key is ready to be used.

Download API Platform

For test the API Key we will test it will need to use an API platform, such as Postman. If you don't already have an API platform, you can download it for free.

Postman Download:

On the download page, your operating system should be automatically identified and the download options are suggested.

So just download the app and install it.

Try the Wireshape API Key

In Postman, click Plus button

Make sure the Request Type is GET.

In Headers are the fields to fill in using the API data you generated.

Here the fields to enter the URL, Key and Value.

On the Wireshape platform, copy the endpoint. And paste in URL field in Postman.

Now copy the Header Key. And paste in Key.

Copy the Header Value. And paste in Value.

Here in the URL address, we have the Barcode tag where we will insert the GTIN.

Let's see in the Wireshape platform, in Explore, the product that we want to query in the API.

We can do a search.

Now we open the product page.

So we replace the Barcode tag with the GTIN we copied. And it's done.

Just click on the Send button.
