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Version: 1.0

TCPR Incentives, Transactions & Rewards

All incentives, transactions and rewards are performed in WWIRE (Wrapped Wire). Free Swap WIRE <> WWIRE available.


50M of WIRE tokens are reserved for incentives for the first 1M of registered products (validated applications and updates).

Distribution of incentives in WWIRE:

  • 0 to 1,000 registries, applicant winner receives 500 WWIRE (500.000 tokens reserved)
  • 1,000 to 10,000 registries, applicant winner receives 100 WWIRE (900.000 tokens reserved)
  • 10,000 to 50,000 registries, applicant winner receives 30 WWIRE (1.200.000 tokens reserved)
  • 50,000 to 100,000 registries, applicant winner receives 10 WWIRE (500.000 tokens reserved)
  • 100,000 to 250,000 registries, applicant winner receives 6 WWIRE (900.000 tokens reserved)
  • 250,000 to 500,000 registries, applicant winner receives 2 WWIRE (500.000 tokens reserved)
  • 500,000 to 1,000,000 registries, applicant winner receives 1 WWIRE (500.000 tokens reserved)


Product Registry Application

  • Minimum deposit amount for registration of 10 WWIRE for Contributor
  • Minimum deposit of 10x the Minimum deposit amount for registration for Brand
  • Deposit amount determines application/update weight


  • Minimum deposit in WWIRE of the Minimum deposit amount for registration divided by 10
  • Deposit amount determines voting weight

Brand Domain Verification Request

  • Cost 10x Minimum deposit amount for registration (goes to Wireshape DAO treasury)


Applicants, voters and brands are rewarded when a WWIRE prize pool is formed in their interactions.

Below is a list of cases that may occur and how users will be affected in cases of a product registration application winning or losing.

Case 1: Contributor-made product registration application wins:

  • The product is registered
  • Deposit from voters against goes to the prize pool
  • Contributor applicant receives 100% deposit back + 45% of prize pool
  • Contributor applicant receives incentive in tokens (if up to 1M products registered)
  • Voters for get 100% deposit back + 45% of prize pool (divided by number of votes for)
  • Wireshape DAO Treasure receives 10% of prize pool

Case 2: Contributor-made product registration application loses:

  • The product is not registered
  • Deposit from voters for goes to the prize pool
  • Contributor applicant deposit goes to prize pool
  • Contributor applicant does not receive incentive
  • Voters against get 100% deposit back + 90% of the prize pool (divided by the number of votes against )
  • Wireshape DAO Treasure receives 10% of prize pool

Case 3: Product application made by contributor or brand does not receive votes:

  • The product is not registered
  • Contributor applicant receives 100% deposit back

Case 4: Brand-made product registration application wins:

  • The product is registered
  • Deposit from voters against goes to the prize pool
  • Brand applicant receives incentive in tokens (if up to 1M products registered)
  • Voters for get 100% deposit back + 75% brand applicant deposit + 90% of prize pool (divided by number of votes for)
  • Wireshape DAO Treasure receives 10% of prize pool + 25% brand applicant deposit

Case 5: Brand-made product registration application loses:

  • The product is not registered
  • Deposit from voters for goes to the prize pool
  • Brand applicant does not receive incentive
  • Voters against get 100% deposit back + 75% brand applicant deposit + 90% of the prize pool (divided by the number of votes against)
  • Wireshape DAO Treasure receives 10% of prize pool + 25% brand applicant deposit

Project Monetization

Rewards that revert to the project treasury

  • 100% Brand Domain Verification Request
  • 10% from prize pools
  • 25% brand applicant deposit

Apply Now