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Version: 1.0

Curate Products

In this paper you will learn how to curate product data and help to build a reliable database registered in a decentralized way on the Wireshape blockchain, while earning rewards for your contribution.

Wireshape dApp operates through a global product registry system that uses Wireshape's Token Curated Product Registry to predetermine the entire incentive mechanism that ensures that WIRE token holders have a vested interest in maintaining the accuracy and quality of the information in the database.

A 24hr voting period is provided for each product registration application, so that the community can evaluate the accuracy of the submitted data and vote for or against the registry.

On the Wireshape dApp platform - - click on Connect button to connect your wallet. And sign.

The curatorship on Wireshape dApp happens on-chain, so make sure you have in your wallet enough WWIRE for the vote, and some WWIRE for the gas fee.

To start the curatorship, simply click on the "Curate" button on the main page.

On the Applications page -, in the sidebar, you can use search filters such as Status. And choose to see only applications open for voting. The ones that were successful, or the ones that failed.

It is also possible to choose the product's country, and the category.

At the top right you can find the search field.

You can search for a product type, for a feature, brand, or by a specific barcode.

Over each product you can see a tag that identifies whether that application is in voting, is waiting to be resolved, was successful or failed.

To vote, choose an application identified with the In Vote tag. You can also see the open voting period countdown.

Then click on the Review Application button.

Before voting, make sure you have the product in hand to ensure data fidelity.

As well as a ruler, and a high precision scale for products up to 10kg, to check the measurements and gross weight of the packaged product.

Now you can check all application data and compare it with product packaging data.

As well as measurements and gross weight.

Also check the image quality, if it has sharpness and shows the correct product.

On the Vote in this Application, just type Your Vote Weight in WWIRE.

If there is any inconsistency in the data, click on the Vote Against button.

If the application data is correct, click on the Vote For button.

Your wallet will ask you to confirm the transaction. Just click on the Confirm button.

Done, your vote has been registered on the blockchain

By clicking on the wallet address button, you will be able to see your votes history in the Votes tab.

After the 24h voting period, voting in this application will be closed.

If your vote is successful, ie, if the majority of the community agrees with your curation, you will be able to claim rewards on this page.

On the History tab, you have access to your on-chain transaction history. Here you can check the block number, event, product GTIN related to each transaction verify on Wireshape Block Explorer.